A Burning Heart by Andy Hawthorne (Paperback)
With so many things fighting for our time and attention, it’s easy for God to get pushed to the edges of our lives. Is it any wonder we can end up feeling frazzled and dragged down by life? But there’s a better way.
Paul’s challenge in 1 Corinthians to make God number one in our lives and centre everything on him is something we all still need to hear today. Unpacking Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth, Andy Hawthorne explores what our lives could look like if we had our hearts set ablaze for Jesus again.
This book is a call to the church to rediscover its passion for the gospel and evangelism, A Burning Heart explores 1 Corinthians and Paul’s teaching to the early church.
2,000 years on, it’s a challenge we all need to hear if we want to see our nation and communities impacted by the good news of Jesus.
‘Andy Hawthorne’s faith in Jesus is inspirational. It’s a faith that always leads to action and it shines from this book’ – Tim Vine, Comedian
243 pages.
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